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Celebrating Black History Month – Honoring the Black Trailblazing Women of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion Featured on NBC’s The Today Show with Al Roker

By February 9, 2022 No Comments

Did you see the segment with Al Roker and 6888th Veteran, Ms. Lena King, 99, on the NBC Today Show on 3 February? If not, click here to watch.  Click Here to Watch the NBC Today Show Interview

The segment talks about the history of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, its mission, its motto,  the amazing 855 women who selflessly volunteered to serve in the unit, and how, eight decades later, the women are being recognized.  The program interviews Ms. Lena King, who tells about her experiences and service as a member of the unit in WWII.   Mr. Roker also interviews the son of 6888th Veteran SPC Odessa Taylor Marshall, James Marshall, who talks about this mother’s service with the 6888th.  This week Congress is expected to vote on a bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal, finally recognizing the accomplishments of the 6888th and these Army women!

The picture below is of Ms. Lena King, 6888th Veteran, news anchor Al Roker, and U.S. Army Women’s Foundation Board Member, MSG Elizabeth Helm-Frazier, US Army, Retired, taken following the NBC Today Show Interview.  Al Roker presented a framed certificate from the Secretary of the Veterans Affairs in honor of Ms. King’s 99th birthday. Ms. King is one of six living members of the 6888th.
#veteran #armyveteran #womenveterans #blackhistory

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