Did you know that people who have a Bachelor’s degree earn nearly 70 percent more than those who have a high school diploma? Did you know that people who hold a certificate earn 20 percent more than people with a high school diploma? Those numbers, provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Georgetown University, respectively, speak volumes about the value of post-secondary education.

Government surveys show that earnings rise with each level of education beyond high school. Consider high school graduates 25 and older in 2016 earned a median weekly income of $692 a week. An Associate Degree took that to $819 a week. Workers holding Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees averaged $1,156 and $1,380 a week, respectively. Doctoral and Professional Degree holders earned even more. Not only does education raise earnings potential, the knowledge gained stimulates your brain and creates a more fulfilling life.

Whether your goal is to complete a college or certificate program, advancing education beyond high school can have a significant, positive impact on your life. And the Army Women’s Foundation supports your efforts.

Our Legacy Scholarship program offers competitive scholarships to women who are serving or have served honorably in the U.S. Army, be it on Active Duty, in the National Guard or in the Army Reserve. The children and grandchildren of these women are eligible to apply, too. We offer scholarships for certificate, community college, undergraduate and graduate coursework. Legacy Scholarship awards are based on a variety of factors, including grades and need.

The AWF Legacy Scholarships are made possible through your donations. In the 2017-2018 year alone, we were able to help 34 women Soldiers, women Army Veterans and their children pursue their academic goals. Because of the generous donations of individuals and our corporate sponsors — Prudential, Sierra Nevada Corporation, L3 Technologies, Walmart, GE Aviation, Pentagon Federal Credit Union, CALIBRE Systems, UMUC, and Booz Allen Hamilton — together we are able to help Army women as they continue to maintain and build strong futures for themselves and their families.

We are now preparing for our 2018-2019 awards and have received an unprecedented in-kind donation from Trident University International. (Please see the related story below.)

Our Legacy Scholarship application period is open through Jan. 2, 2018..

Are you planning on furthering your education?